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Here’s What to Do When Smart Lock Battery Dies

Here’s What to Do When Smart Lock Battery Dies
calendarNovember 10, 2023

Digital Lock Singapore - If you’re here, you might be pondering the very real dilemma of what to do when your smart lock battery dies. 

Well, you’re not alone. At Hoz, we understand that these innovative keyless door locks have brought a new level of convenience to your life, but low battery anxiety can be a real buzzkill.

In this article, we’ll not only answer the burning questions on your mind about smart lock batteries, but we’ll also show you how to stay one step ahead of the dreaded battery drain. 

Without further ado, let’s dive right in and keep your smart lock smarter than ever!


How Long Does Smart Lock Battery Last?

Understanding how long a smart lock battery typically lasts is a crucial first step in ensuring a seamless experience with your keyless entry system. After all, it’s like knowing the fuel capacity of your car before embarking on a long road trip – you need to plan and prepare.

Smart lock battery life can vary depending on a few key factors.

1. Type of Battery 

First and foremost, the type of battery your lock uses plays a significant role. 

You might be wondering, “Are smart locks battery-powered?” Yes, they are. In fact, most smart locks are powered by standard alkaline batteries, which tend to last anywhere from 6 months to a year with regular use.

However, more advanced locks with additional features like built-in cameras or Wi-Fi connectivity might drain their batteries a bit quicker.

2. Frequently Use of the Smart Lock

Another important factor is how frequently you use your smart lock. Suppose your front door is a revolving door of activity, with family members, guests, or delivery personnel constantly coming and going. 

In that case, you may find the battery life dwindles faster than in a less frequently used scenario.

3. Weather Conditions

Weather conditions can also influence battery life. Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can impact the performance of your batteries. 

When it’s scorching hot or freezing cold, the battery may drain faster, so it’s worth considering the climate in your area.

Consider these factors as we delve into more detailed answers to your smart lock battery questions in the next part.


How Do I Know when a Smart Lock Battery is Low?

Now that you have your answer to the “How long do batteries last in smart locks” question, how do you know when it’s time to change? Let’s explore the telltale signs.

1. Visual Indicators

Imagine your smart lock as a little traffic light on your door. It communicates through colors. When your smart lock battery is all charged up and raring to go, you’ll likely see a friendly green light or a display that reads “battery full.” It’s like your lock giving you a thumbs-up, saying. “I’m good to go!”

However, as time goes on and your lock starts to use its stored power, that green light might morph into a cautionary yellow or even a somewhat alarming red. In some cases, there might be different flashing patterns or color combinations.

2. Audible Alerts

You know that familiar sound when your microwave beeps to tell you your popcorn is ready? Interestingly, your smart lock can do something similar.
As the battery life starts to deplete, it might chime in with a series of beeps or chimes. These friendly noises serve as a clear signal that it’s time to think about giving your smart lock some fresh batteries.

3. Mobile App Notifications

You’re at work, and suddenly your phone buzzes. You pull it out, and there’s a notification from your smart lock’s app. 

What could it be? Well, your smart lock says, “Hey, just a heads up, my battery’s getting a little low.”
Mobile apps for smart locks often offer the functionality to send you notifications regarding your lock’s status. 

When your lock senses that the battery is running low, it will notify you. It’s your cue to start planning for a battery replacement.

Best of all? 

These alerts are real-time. They keep you in the loop no matter where you are. Whether you’re at work, running errands, or even on vacation, you’ll always know the status of your smart lock.

4. Reduced Functionality

Your smart lock is designed to be a dependable companion. So, when it starts running low on battery power, it might become sluggish in its duties. 

You might notice that it takes a bit longer to lock or unlock your door.

Sometimes, in more advanced smart locks, certain features may become temporarily disabled. For example, if your lock has a built-in camera or Wi-Fi connectivity, these extra functions may be the first to be affected when the battery is low.

So, if you notice your lock isn’t as snappy as it used to be, don’t worry – it’s not a big deal. All you have to do is pay attention, and you’ll keep your smart lock performing at its best.


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What Happens if Smart Lock Battery Dies?

Previously, you’ve learned four ways your smart lock lets you know when it’s running low on power. 

But do you know what happens when a smart lock battery dies?

This situation can certainly be inconvenient. Here are some of the things that can happen when your smart lock’s battery runs out:

1. Inactive Automatic Features

One of the reasons we adore smart locks is their automatic capabilities. It is the convenience of keyless entry and the ability to schedule lock and unlock times. However, when the battery reaches the end of its journey, these automatic features might take a breather.

For example, suppose you’ve set up a schedule for your smart lock to automatically lock the door at a specific time in the evening or to grant access to guests during certain hours. In that case, those features may become temporarily inactive. You might need to manually lock and unlock your door until the battery is replaced.

2. Limited Entry Methods

Your smart lock is all about providing you with various ways to enter your home, from keypad codes to mobile app access. However, some of these entry methods may temporarily go on vacation when the battery ends.

For example, if you rely on a PIN code or a biometric method, like a fingerprint, to unlock your door, these features may not be available until the battery is replaced. 

It’s like your lock saying, “I’m conserving my energy for now.”

3. Inability to Unlock the Door

When your smart lock's battery is at the end of its rope, you may encounter a momentary snag in your keyless entry experience. The inability to unlock your door through your usual methods, like mobile apps, pin codes, or biometric scans, can be a bit frustrating.

However, remember, your door isn’t playing hide-and-seek; it’s just your smart lock signaling that it needs a battery boost. The good news is that you’re not locked out for good. 

You always have the trusty traditional key as your backup plan. It’s the key to a solution; all it takes is a simple turn to unlock your door.

4. Security Concerns

You might be concerned about the security of your home when your smart lock battery is running on fumes. 

It’s natural to worry if you can’t rely on your lock for protection, but here’s the thing.

First and foremost, it’s important to know that the physical locking mechanism of your door remains secure, even if your smart lock battery is dead. Your door is as locked and protected as it’s always been.

However, if you’ve been using additional security features, like remote monitoring or activity logs, they might not be available until the battery is replaced.


How Do I Prevent the Smart Locks from Running Out of Batteries?

Preventing your smart lock from running out of batteries is all about smart planning. Here are three simple ways to keep your lock powered up and ready for action:

1. Regularly Check Battery Levels

Just like how you’d glance at your car’s fuel gauge before a long drive, it’s a good idea to check your smart lock’s battery levels regularly. 

Most smart locks come with indicators or mobile app notifications that make it easy to keep an eye on the battery status.

Set a monthly reminder, or just make it a part of your home maintenance routine. This way, you can address any battery issues before they become a problem.

2. Schedule Battery Replacement

Instead of waiting for the battery to die, schedule routine battery replacements.

A yearly swap is a safe bet if your smart lock uses standard alkaline batteries. Choose a specific date on your calendar, like an annual “smart lock check-up,” and stick to it. 

Changing batteries on smart locks preventively ensures that your lock never surprises you.

3. Choose Rechargeable Batteries

Lastly, opting for rechargeable batteries can be an eco-friendly and cost-effective choice. 

Not only do rechargeable batteries reduce waste, but you can also charge them as needed, ensuring a constant source of power. Just remember to establish a routine for recharging to avoid any downtime.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy the convenience and security of your smart lock without the worry of battery issues. Think of it as giving your loyal lock the care it deserves – it’ll keep working like a charm, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing your home is always secure and accessible.

How Do I Change the Battery in A Keyless Door Lock?

Even a smart lock with the longest battery life faces its end. But when it does, there's no need to panic. Changing the battery in a keyless door lock is a straightforward process that anyone can do. Here are the steps of how to change batteries in a smart lock to guide you through this simple task:

1. Identify the Battery Type

Before you begin the battery replacement adventure, you’ll need to know what type of battery your keyless entry lock uses.

Most smart locks and keyless entry systems typically use standard alkaline batteries, but it’s always a good idea to check the owner’s manual or manufacturer’s instructions to be sure. Once you have the right type of battery, you’re ready to go.

2. Locate the Battery Compartment

Every keyless lock is a little different, but they all have a battery compartment. 

It’s usually located inside the door where the lock’s components are housed. You may need to remove a cover or panel to access the compartment, and this can usually be done with a screwdriver or by sliding the cover off.

3. Replace the Battery

Once you’ve located the battery compartment, it’s time to remove the old, dead battery. 

Carefully remove the old battery and be sure to dispose of it properly. Insert the new battery, ensuring the polarity (+ and - signs) matches the markings in the compartment.

4. Test the Lock

With the new battery in place, test your keyless door lock to ensure it works properly. Lock and unlock the door a few times to make sure the new battery is powering the lock without any problems. 

If the lock works smoothly, you’re all set!


Changing the battery in your smart lock is as easy as 1-2-3. It’s a hassle-free maintenance task that keeps your lock in tip-top shape and ensures you have safe, convenient access to your home.


Final Words

In closing, while facing a smart lock battery depletion can be a momentary inconvenience, it’s no cause for alarm. 

By staying vigilant about battery levels, scheduling replacements, and choosing rechargeable options, you can ensure that your smart lock continues to be the reliable guardian of your home.

And if you’re searching for a wide range of smart locks to fit your unique needs, remember that Hoz is here to help. We offer an array of smart locks from various trusted brands tailored to fit various types of doors.

All in all, don’t let the fear of smart lock battery dies hold you back! Your home will remain secure and convenient with a little care and the right lock.



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